Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sacrament Meeting Thoughts

I have already mentioned a few things that I I love. I love lighthouses. I love my GPS watch. Now additionally I would like to add that I love Sundays. Even when the walls of injustice are caving in and the turbulence of worldly things are at full force, I can always count on the day of rest to provide peace and a new enlightening perspective. Today has been a good day. I participated in a choir at church where we sang some inspiring hymns. Our Bishop talked about ways we can honor the Sabbath Day. Our Stake President talked about how he loves raspberries, dogs, bacon...and the Gospel too.

The main thing I got out of church today is that God loves us and with proper motivation and a positive attitude, he can make more out of us that we can out of ourselves. Don't be discouraged, follow the example of Rudy and accomplish your dream!!